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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Cedar River Report
King County, WA


Fly Fishing
Rainbow Trout
Floating Fly Line
All Day

First time on the Cedar. Took a while to get my bearings and find a suitable site to start fishing. Was on the river by 7:00AM. Water temp. was 64 degrees, river was gin clear, but methinks the flow was really fast... strong current! On the way to the river I encountered a beautiful coyote and had a stare down for about two minutes... never had seen one with so much brown in its coat... saw him again an hour later on the river bank. Also jumped a small doe and watched a weasel hunting along the river bank.
By 9:00 the sun was up and burning... very warm day. Tried all kinds of flies... muddler, wooley buggers, spruce, hare's ear nymph, stone fly nymph, egg sucking leech, lightning bug nymph, brassie, stimu-lators, elk hair caddis, et.al. Caught one 8" Rainbow on a brown elk hair caddis, and had a dozen strikes. Turned over two large Rainbow and a good sized Cutthroat on the same fly. Saw several 20"+ Rainbows in the tailouts of a couple deep holes, (no, not the Suckers, the Rainbows!) but they ignored everything I tossed at them. Not much insect activity. Saw a few Mayflies early, a few Caddis, maybe 2 or 3 Yellow Sallys, that was it.
Saw a flotilla of tubes and rafts in the afternoon, but only one other fisherman, tossing spinners, all day. Left the river at 4:00PM.
All in all, an absolutely awesome day for me. First time on a river in about four years due to degenerative hip disease. Had a complete hip replacement about 18 months ago, still regaining strength in my right leg, and balance and flexibility still an issue, but coming along!
Pic is of some of the flies I tried, less the three I left decorating streamside trees.


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709