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Wallace River Report
Snohomish County, WA


Float Fishing

My morning started out with intentions of going to Reiter which I don't care to do however I got reports of favorable water conditions and given the typical habits of sky winter fish the hatchery was my best chance. I decided to stop by the wallace the hatchery report showed some fish in the system after the rain last week, and 1 car parked off of hwy2. Got to the parking lot, 2 cars..... still wasn't sold on the idea I did 2 circles and decided to suite up.

Walked in strait to may creek, got set up and waited for a little light to identify my float. May I mention the water couldn't be any more perfect. Ideal flow, and water just stained perfectly. I had pre tied a heavi bead and switched it out to a personal tied white/cerise schlappen jig to give a little more profile in the dark and for water conditions.

Going on experience I fished the edge of the of the current seam towards the tail out, fifth cast slam dunk on the float! Chrome bright cookie cutter 5-7lb fish on the bank in short order. I bled it, recorded it on the catch card while doing that the fellow WA lakes member 4steelhead hooked into a silver. I gathered my stuff got back in and started fishing really focusing my cast on the tailout. This stretch has produced many steelhead for myself and seen many more by other anglers. It shallows really fast in order to fish with a float effectively a guy has to hold just a little tension on the float to kick the jig up just off the bottom. 5-10 cast later my float bobbles and slam dunks, kinda thought it was a rock pulled back with a quick jerk to free the jig and my line started going up stream then I gave her the hook set. 2 steelhead in less than 30 minutes from the time I walked in. CRAZY!!!

The wallace is at times a challenging fishery. I can walk in bang out quite possibly the only 2 steelhead in that hole while fishing over a stockpile of silver with proven bait and tactics you can't buy a bite. So frustrating! My first outing for silvers I waded down past the sherman hole and fished the slot that parallels hwy2. This has been dynamite for me many times; this was late september with my buddy, the 2 of us do some pretty good damage, there were silver rolling like crazy old man just down stream banked 2 while we never got whiff of a bite in about 2 hrs. Our way out there were a handful on the bank at the sherman and the same at may creek...WTF

Tight lines everybody! Happy new year


1/2/2014 6:02:00 PM
Thanks for the report Sir!
1/2/2014 10:53:00 PM
Great report and nice work on the fish. Why was it only a 4 star day?
1/3/2014 3:36:00 PM
Only a 4 because I was dissapointed I didn't get to fish longer!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709