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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Clearwater River Report
Nez Perce County, ID



All Day

Saturday morning got up very early and headed to one of the best spots on the river and we were beat to it by several people. Went back to where I caught the fish Friday eve. Fish from daylight to 10 am (breakfast break). One nice buck came around 8 am missed a couple others and lost one.

After breakfast I had the nephews take me back to the motel for a long nap. They continued to fish and Cody's girlfriend Taylor caught a 20" Bull trout. I have never caught one there. Then at 2 they came back to get me and on the way I yelled at my nephew Jeremy from across the river to see if he had any luck. One 16" fish that's it at that time.

Went to my honey hole and got a nice bright hen. That was it for me that day Jeremy Caught another fish a little bigger this time and soon after that Jared caught his first Steelhead.

All an all not a bad day.

Note: it is legal to pic up a unclipped fish in Idaho for pic!


YJ Guide Service
2/26/2014 8:02:00 AM
Nice job on the steelies. I need to get out there and try them.
Kaptain King
2/26/2014 9:53:00 AM
Man those are some beautiful HAWGS!!! That looks like a lot of fun. I have been able to hit the Grand Ronde, mostly when I was at WSU, but never made it over to the Clearwater. Glad you had a great trip. Those are some great fish.
2/26/2014 9:12:00 PM
Craig you tell me when and we will do it! I do know how to catch the Steelhead on that river among a few others. Big fish fun to catch. They dont't fight as good as the ones on the peninsula, but, still, awsome time. And the best chance for a 20lb plus fish anymore!-

Kaptain king, I still love the grand ronde just for the shear numbers you can get in a day and the view. Drove over the ronde today high and muddy. Not fishable darn!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709