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Stillaguamish River Report
Snohomish County, WA



Coho Salmon

Hit the stilly at first light and finally landed my first stilly silver for this season. Third cast of the day and it was fish on! Several jumps and up and down river before landing. Great fight! caught it twitching jigs. Second or third cast after landing fish and it was fish on again....lasted all of 2 seconds and was gone! Thinking to myself at that time that it was going to be easy limit today(should have never thought that). For the next 2 hours nothing! Never saw a single roller or jumper(other then when the fish was on my line). Really should have been a 2 star but because I got to punch my first stilly silver of the season and no other fish being caught, thought I would give it a 3 star. Looking forward to seeing some real numbers in the river.


9/29/2014 12:15:00 PM
Well done Good Times! Your post serves as encouragement for the rest of us--many are still looking for our first silver. It's really refreshing to see a river post that is actually not red. Which stretch of the river did you fish?

Best of luck to you on your next outings!
9/29/2014 12:19:00 PM
Nice work! Love those twitching jigs!
9/29/2014 12:35:00 PM
drsafl17- thanks, I was fishing in silvana.
Bentrod- thanks, I am hooked on twitching jigs.
9/29/2014 2:43:00 PM
Nice, glad to hear someone is having luck on the Stilly. I have made two trips up so far this year but it was very quiet both times. Mind if I ask what type of jig you were using? I just started trying my luck twitching lead head marabou/rabbit fur jigs this year for Coho, so I'm still building my knowledge up.
9/29/2014 7:49:00 PM
AJFishdude-I don't mind, I will post a pic in the "stilly coho" forum.
9/29/2014 8:02:00 PM
Thanks goodtimesfishing. I'll go check out the forum.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709