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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Snake River Report
Franklin County, WA



All Day

Well finally got back down for some Sturgeon fun. The water is very warm and the flow is starting to slow down. Fishing is good one day and so so the next. We ended up catching a white albino sturgeon, fish was 6'-3" and 36" girth. Haven't heard of many of these caught so congrats to Mel on a once in a lifetime fish probably. Biggest fish was a 9 ft we caught over 20 fish while down there. Had a great time with family and friends. Keeper fishing down there will be a thing of the past come July 1 2015. There are a lot of big fish out there if anyone wants to try their luck on one of these fish let me know we are still doing trips.

YJ Guide Service - 509-999-0717

We fish for Tiger Muskie, Walleye, catfish and Bass Locations include the Columbia - Wells Dam, Snake, Palouse, Newman Lake, Silver Lake, Curlew Lake, and Lake Roosevelt.Turkey hunting trips also available!


Kaptain King
6/29/2015 1:40:00 PM
That is nuts man. An albino sturgeon?!!! Wonder how much the Russians would pay for those eggs?! Wow that is the fish of a lifetime. Congrats.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709