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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Puyallup River Report
Pierce County, WA



Coho Salmon

So an advantage of covering a lot of water, you learn "high" water holes and "low" holes. I knew the river was on the rise, so I headed down to a high water hole before or blew out. As usual for me, I caught a coho, about 4# on a jig. I fished the home for a while longer then worked my way back to my car. It is sort of eary standing in the middle of the river when it is on the rise. I only caught the one fish.

I live on the carbon so I fished up there for a while longer until it wad to high. A really nice side channel appeared from the last high water. I caught and released a little buck coho and a tiny dollie there. That was it for the day. 3 fish total on a fast guitar is pretty good for me.

I just use jigs mostly twitching, I use a bobber and steelhead jigs also, but I have only caught one fish this hole year with a bobber. I don't know why the fish like to chase jigs down, but I will use that technic until they stop biting!
Also, Friday I caught one coho, Saturday I caught one chum and my friend lost one small coho. The water is high now gonna have to wait at least a week to fish now.


12/10/2015 3:25:00 PM
There is still Coho in the river?
12/10/2015 3:56:00 PM
FWIW that is a cutthroat trout, not a dolly.
the piranha
12/10/2015 4:46:00 PM
I always get coho until the river closes. They have all been bright this year also. I just went looked at carbon, it's dropping fast, but lots more rain on the way, next year, I'm going to fish browns point when the water is high.
I didn't take a pic of the dollie. That's the coho i released on the carbon.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709