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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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18 - Lake Roosevelt South End to Spokane Confluence Report



Trolling With Fly
Rainbow Trout

HI guys
Took my 6 year old grandson fishing for winter Rainbows for the first time . We had a ball teaming up on the bows . a course we had to stop for breakfast at the Corner Cafe in Creston , so Dylan my grandson could have his stack of pancakes . We hit the water at 07:30 , had two limits before noon .We caught them on Apexs , Rapalas and pearch patten flys . Trolled with leaded line and ran top water lines too . It was a great day to be on the water !

Fish On !


charlie h.
2/7/2010 6:55:00 PM
I will try reposting the photo's ??
blufin loui
2/7/2010 7:18:00 PM
Howdy charlie, great to hear you were out there showing the grandson how it's done. Thanks for the report, a nd keep up the good work.
2/7/2010 7:29:00 PM
Nice report Charlie, hope the photos make it in. I have found that resizing my photos to 750 x 563 pixels they come up in the report form almost immediately. When I use photos larger than that, it takes quite awhile for them to show up, Don't really know why, Whereabouts were you fishing? We're heading that way next weekend and I'm just curious as to location, seems most of the reports are now coming from San Poil down towards the dam. Haven't seen many reports with much success further up lately, but I will definitely be hitting "our spot" sometime Saturday. I look forward to the day when I can take grand kids fishing. :-)
charlie h.
2/7/2010 8:04:00 PM
HI Hewesfisher
We fished just above the mouth of the San Poil and down river to the basin , launched at Keller .
2/8/2010 5:58:00 AM
Beautiful fish Charlie...and way to go Dylan!!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709