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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Canada - Yukon Report



71° - 75°
71° - 75°

This is a synopsis of our Day 2 fishing trip. The basics are in the previous report about Day1.

Day 2 we met Victor at 6AM , Mexican time. (That's somewhere between 6:15 and 6:20 for you gringos)

We putted over to the gas dock and Marina Store. Got fuel, Victor's favorite bait boat came over and sold us our live bait (25 of those $2 fish).

BTW: We fished Cabillitos (sp) or Goggle Eyes to us gringos. It is a bad place to be a goggle eye. Everything wants to eat them...

We went out past the light house on the Pacific side to an area that Victor had pinned down with his GPS and started trolling lures. We hooked and lost another Wahoo and broke down to trolling live baits on light rods. About 40 minutes into the troll Mike hooked and landed his first wahoo! They are the fastest fish in the world. Their first run is incredibly amazing.

We kept going and and got bit by a dorado. Victor started yelling as the 2nd and 3rd rod got lit up. We were in a school of 15 to 30 pound dorado fishing live bait on light rods. Up to this point I had seen the videos and read the articles, but now, I finally experienced a wide open dorado bite. By keeping one in the water and live baits constantly going, we landed 6 and lost another 4 or 5 in the next hour. But that only scratches the surface of what went on in that hour. We had to constantly dance, dodge and weave to keep lines from tangling. At times, Victor had to re-rig while we were fighting doubles, gaff fish and drive the boat simultaneously. In a lifetime of fishing this was a top 5 experience! After that, we fished for a bit more and caught a fish or 2, but really, that wide open bite really topped the day.

An interesting side bar was that I wanted to get pictures of all the fish on the dock, but Victor warned us off, saying that the marauding sea lions would take them from us. So the pics are in Gricelda's smokehouse where we got our kept fish filleted, vacuum packed and flash frozen for the ride home for $1.50 per pound finished weight. What a day!

Anton Jones - Darrell and Dad's Family Guide Service
Official Digital Anglers Sponsor, (509) 687-0709 or toll-free (866) 360-1523

Anton Jones - Darrell and Dad's Family Guide Service

(509) 687-0709

Official Northwest Fishing Reports Sponsor


The Quadfather
1/15/2016 10:53:00 AM
Looks great, thanks for sharing.
1/17/2016 7:39:00 AM
Hi, were you at an RV park just outside Parker Arizona a couple months ago?
Darrell and Dad's
1/17/2016 7:42:00 AM
Yes, just before the middle of November.
1/18/2016 12:05:00 PM
We are spending the winter in the same park, we got here the end of November and friends of ours were talking about these folks they meet (from Lake Chelan) while waiting on the dock for the water taxi. Its a small world, we are originally from Entiat and have fished Lake Chelan for several years and plan on spending most of the summer there this year. Have fun and we hope to see you this summer.
Darrell and Dad's
1/18/2016 1:32:00 PM
Right, it was like their first day doing the water taxi so we had to wait a long time. The surf and turf was great! We are at the Beachcomber in Havasu now.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709