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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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20 - Upper Columbia River to Canadian Border Report



41° - 45°
Bottom Fishing From Boat
46° - 50°

We launched at Kettle Falls and headed about 5 miles Northeast of the Bridge. My first cast produced a nice wally around 22 inches and then my buddy Tom caught this monster on his second or third cast. We took a photo and released her back to spawn out those eggs in her fat belly. We constantly caught fish in 30-40 feet of water using jigs with rubber baits tipped with a night crawler catching 42 between 7:00 AM and 1:30 PM. Not a bad haul for our maiden voyage of the season....Happy fishing!


5/16/2017 11:29:45 AM
Nice catch. Any signs of Northern Pike up there? I know the Colville tribe is working to eradicate them, but I would like to catch one before they are all gone.
Walleye Chief
5/16/2017 11:45:35 AM
We didn't catch any, but I saw the bounty signs put up by the Colville Tribe offering $10 a head for the pike. My buddy caught a few up there last spring.
5/16/2017 5:53:19 PM
Nice catch. Hoping to catch some walleye out of Keller Ferry area this weekend.
Walleye Chief
5/16/2017 7:16:04 PM
Good luck, it looks like the wallies are running up through there pretty good. I'm thinking about hitting Hunters to see how the fishing is there myself.
5/17/2017 6:03:40 AM
I've been fishing the mouth of the Kettle river a few times over the past couple weeks and have only caught 1 Burbot, 1 Walleye, and 2 Whitefish. I figured that now the river is starting to rise it should start to produce more. Your report encourages this for me. So excited to head down after work today and give 'er a shot. Thanks for your report!
5/17/2017 12:36:29 PM
Just went through the WDFW regs. Am I interpreting this right that the walleye limit is 8 per person up near Kettle at this time? Please educate me..
Walleye Chief
5/17/2017 12:54:27 PM
Here's straight from page 92 of WDFW Fishing regulation showing the daily limit as 16 Walleye. Did you see something different on another page?

ROOSEVELT LAKE (Columbia River
from Grand Coulee Dam to U.S.-
Canadian border) including Hawk
Creek downstream of the falls at the
Hawk Creek Campground, the Spokane
arm downstream of SR 25 Bridge, and
Kettle arm downstream of Barstow
• see also: Hawk Creek, Kettle River,
Spokane River, and Roosevelt Lake
• for San Poil Arm of Lake Roosevelt,
see San Poil River, page 67
• see DOH Fish Consumption
Advisories, page 16
Check the WDFW website wdfw.wa.gov or call (360) 902-2700 in Sept. 2016 for information on
possible regulation changes being considered by the Fish and Wildlife Commission.
CLOSED WATERS - Apr. 1-Friday before Memorial Day: Kettle arm upstream to Barstow Bridge.
CLOSED WATERS - Mar. 1-Friday before Memorial Day: Little Dalles power line crossing upstream 1.7 miles
to marked rock point.
CLOSED WATERS - Mar. 1-Friday before Memorial Day: Northport power line crossing to most upstream
point of Steamboat Rock.
KOKANEE Year-round No min. size. Daily limit 6. No more than 2 with intact adipose fins.
Other TROUT Year-round No min. size. Daily limit 5. Up to 2 over 20" may be retained.
KOKANEE not included in TROUT daily limit.
CARP Year-round Statewide min. size/daily limit. Unlawful to fish for CARP with bow and
WALLEYE Year-round No size restriction. Daily limit 16.
Other Game Fish Year-round Statewide min. size/daily limit.
SALMON Year-round Landlocked SALMON rules apply.
5/17/2017 4:05:00 PM
Not at all. Saw your success but wasn't sure how many people were along. I saw a limit of 8 somewhere amongst the 138 page document and was looking for clarification so I don't wind up in a jam as am planning on heading up there Sunday and Monday. Wasn't pointing fingers, only looking for the real scoop, and thank you for that.
Thanks for your response and I have no idea why my original post continues to repeat. Hope I can get a few of those critters.
Thanks again..
Walleye Chief
5/17/2017 4:21:58 PM
No worries. Wanted to make sure I didn't miss something because the WDFW does make changes on us.... Happy fishing...??
5/17/2017 7:49:13 PM
Nice haul! Know this is a walleye report, but want to clarify the rule changes for trout which took effect in December:

"Adopted by WDFW Commission effective as of 12/3/16
Page 92 Rosevelt Lake (Lake Roosevelt) (Other TROUT rules updated. All other species rules still apply). from Grand Coulee Dam to the Little Dalles power line crossing Other TROUT – Year-round: No min. size. Daily limit 5 Up to 2 over 20” may be retained adipose fin-clipped TROUT only. KOKANEE not included in TROUT daily limit. From the Little Dalles power line crossing to the Canadian Border Other TROUT – No min. size. Min. size 18”. Daily limit 5. Up to 2 over 20” may be retained Daily limit 2. KOKANEE not included in TROUT daily limit. Spokane Arm of Lake Roosevelt downstream of SR 25 Other TROUT - Year round: No min. size. Daily limit 5 Up to 2 over 20” may be retained adipose fin-clipped TROUT only. KOKANEE not included in TROUT daily limit."

No native trout (intact adipose fin) retention allowed below Little Dalles powerline crossing. Also, the SanPoil is only open June 1 - Jan 31. ;-)
Walleye Chief
5/17/2017 7:53:40 PM
Thanks for clarifying that. I appreciate it.
5/18/2017 6:15:19 AM
Walleye Chief:

Thanks for the complete conversation on this thread. Good luck, but please leave a few for me at Hunters. :)
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709