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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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20 - Upper Columbia River to Canadian Border Report




Since the mouth of the Kettle River is still rushing too fast, I decided to try at the mouth of the Colville for some shore fishing. I'd heard that people had been catching Pike and Walleye up above the gill nets there.

Got there Sunday afternoon and threw a couple lines in the water with a worm and hook on the bottom. It was actually a fun and entertaining day. Had one of my poles pulled into the water by a giant Carp but once I grabbed my pole and started reeling in my line broke off on me. About 10 seconds later my other pole gets a hit on it and I reel in a 9" trout. Let him go and threw both lines back in the water. Not too long later another big Carp hit one of my poles and again broke my line off again. Finally I adjusted my line accordingly and with the third try I reeled in a huge 15.75 lb. Carp. Not the species I was going after but it was fun to catch it.

I did end up catching one Walleye that I took home and fried up. Super tasty. Other people down there were doing pretty well. I just was in a poor spot to catch Walleye. I have the company Hewescraft boat this Memorial Day Weekend so I'm going to see how the Walleye are biting down at Gifford.


5/25/2017 7:52:34 AM
Company Hewes? Maybe I could talk my school district into getting one of those! :) Nice fish by the way!
5/25/2017 5:11:30 PM
Yes it's a very sweet perk and privilege that us employees get to enjoy. And thank you!
9/23/2018 8:31:17 AM
Jacob if you can't get the company boat hit me up we could head to the river in mine, I've wanted to try some of the late fall fishing! - Kody
7/6/2019 11:46:07 PM
My buddy caught a 30 lb true mirror carp at the mouth of Colville river a couple years ago. If you want pics let me know, in messenger, under John Braucher.
7/6/2019 11:46:44 PM
Nice carp! Very underappreciated.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709