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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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Beaver Lake Report
Skagit County, WA



66° - 70°
Bottom Fishing From Boat
Largemouth Bass

My favorite way to fish is flipping heavy cover and Beaver offers a lot of that. Flooded bushes every where. So that's what I did all day.. switching from a half ounce and one ounce weight. For probably the first hour and a half I didn't get anything..not sniffs or bites. It was dead calm and clear blue skies. Finally I pitch next to a a point of a bush and instantly get bit. Set the hook and it goes probably 1.5. it was the start of a pretty productive hour. After about 2 more smaller ones I make an awesome flip under a hanging branch and feel the tick. I set the hook and it's just weight..but I can feel the head shake so I know I got something. Just kept the line tight and let it work itself out. Finally getting a look at it and it's a big'n. After a fun fight I get it in the boat and it goes 5.05. That's why I love this kind of fishing. I ended up getting a couple more smaller ones and called it a day around 2:30. Beaver has been good to me this year.


10/7/2017 7:47:40 AM
Very nice Beaver fish!
bob johansen
10/7/2017 7:53:24 AM
Nice report! That little lake seems to host a few nice bass. I had the privilege of fishing it years ago and had a nice 21 inch, 5 pound, 11 ouncer smack a Rapala 11G on the surface. Old age, and the distance to get there, will keep me from ever fishing it again but I do like to read the reports and see the photos.
10/7/2017 7:57:18 AM
Yea it's a fun little lake! The weeds and pads can be overwhelming sometimes but they have started to die off
10/7/2017 11:50:45 AM
Water looks a tad green? Beaver and Clear are great for fishing floating land mats when accessible! The bass can sure stack up under there. Love that "tick" :)
10/7/2017 2:00:26 PM
There we certain part were the scum was pretty thick and green but for the most past it was the normal dirty color. Those floating mats sure do hold the big ones
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709