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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Goodwin Lake Report
Snohomish County, WA



61° - 65°
Trolling W/Downriggers
Rainbow Trout
Mostly Sunny
61° - 65°

Report covers 2 morning of fishing on Lake Goodwin, 10/9 and 10/10. Report is both good and bad. Good is that there is a massive chironomid hatch going on right now, and the fish are completely stuffed with them right now. You can actually see on the fish finding image that the fish are actively feeding, they look like forward slashes on the sonar. Bad part is the water temp is still up. With the over-abundance of easy food with still slightly warmer than optimal water temps, the fish aren't that willing to work for their food yet. Power eggs off the bottom right now would work better, but I find that boring myself, plus I love the exercise I get from pedaling the Hobie.

Fish are very fat and healthy right now, averaging about 16-17 inches, and cutting a nice deep red. Right now, you can find where the fish are pretty easily, they are slurping on the surface all the way to the bottom where ever a hatch is happening. Fish from the top all the way down to the bottom, the fish are throughout the water column.

I was having to change flies constantly as I think it's a few different phases happening right now with a few different species. Blacks, Olives, and Greens in Doc Spratley's and Woolly Buggers all got fish. Sometimes at 5 feet down, sometimes 5 feet off the bottom. Landed 3 fish both days, and both days had a couple get off or not stick. Another couple of weeks and the water temp should be about there to get the fish in more of a chasing mood. This lake is fickle for trout, it has hard ons, and hard and fast offs. Fun lake to figure out though because of the quality of the fish.

Video shows a few of the fish from the past 2 days. On 10/10 I personally malfunctioned, not the camera, and was filming when I thought I wasn't, and not filming when I thought I was. Last clip shows the one that got away. I heard a loud slash behind me, turned and saw my rod do that slow, deep bend that tells me a fish with some weight is on the other line (typical trout you get quick little dips in the rod, not the slow deep bend a larger fish gives). Got the rod out of the clip and the fish immediately starts peeling line off the spool... then gets off.


10/12/2017 5:30:58 PM
Excellent sized fish, very impressive! Great report and video too :)
10/12/2017 10:41:35 PM
One day soon I am going to get you on this lake and put you on to some 20+ inch trout :)
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709