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19 - Spokane Confluence to Lake Roosevelt North End Report



Rainbow Trout

We fished the east shoreline just north of the Spokane Confluence yesterday. Our setup was two downriggers and then a third rod trolling near the surface (with anywhere from 1/2 ounce to 1.5 ounces of trolling weight).

The primary purpose of the trip was to test a new variation of the OG1 2.8" in the perch pattern. (We applied a new translucent green to the lure body instead of the olive green in the original lure.) The results were impressive: The new lure took eleven 'bows. Three were unclipped and returned to the reservoir.

The most effective depth was 21 feet on the downrigger with 60 feet of line behind the boat. Our trolling speed varied from 2mph to 2.5mph. We were pulling the lures in water depths ranging from 30 to 70 feet.

I'm attaching pictures of the new lure and the results to this report.


11/2/2017 2:11:58 PM
Those look like some healthy fish. I think they've already put on some size and weight this Fall. That green looks great on the lures. I think the fish thought so too! Thanks for sharing the report.
11/2/2017 2:32:25 PM
Kekeda: Thanks. Roosevelt is an amazing fishery. (This was only our 3rd trip up there; so, we're still trying to spin-up in terms of the reservoir, the fish, where they hold, primary food source, etc.)
11/2/2017 2:33:26 PM
For anyone interested, we just threw together a short video of yesterday's outing: https://youtu.be/ymNvCrWoLFo

11/2/2017 3:16:41 PM
re- your "spin-up", that could be the equivalent of a Phd thesis.
11/3/2017 2:11:51 PM
I liked the down riggers - would you share the make and model ??
11/2/2017 3:21:39 PM
OutThere: That's the sort of phd program I could enjoy. (Not sure the thesis would ever be written, or defended; but, I'd definitely be up for the research end of things...)
11/2/2017 6:03:38 PM
I really like the orange on the belly Donn. Rosie bowes really like orange in fall/winter. As far as the PHD is concerned I sometimes wonder if I'm at the Masters level after years of "RESEARCH" up there. About the time we think it's dialed in they will throw a curve ball. Guess that's fishin!
"The Experiment Must Continue" Alan
11/2/2017 6:56:27 PM
Al: Interesting enough, we fished our solid fluorescent orange OG1 for some time yesterday. (On the downrigger opposite the new perch.) What surprised us is that we didn't have a single hookup on the solid orange for the entire afternoon. But, we caught 11 'bows on the new perch color. (When I'd fished Roosevelt for the first time last January, the fluorescent orange had been the most productive lure. So, it took us by surprise when the perch-pattern outfished it.)
11/2/2017 6:24:53 PM
Are the new perch color you used available? They look great!
11/2/2017 6:53:01 PM
Fisheries24: Yes! The new color is available--I have two dozen painted and ready to go. (If you order a 2.8" OG1 in the perch pattern, we'll be shipping this new color. After yesterday's results, I've decided to retire the original color and only ship the new.) Thanks! --Donn
11/2/2017 9:04:57 PM
I was at Keller area last week, great weather. Did you find smallmouth fry in the stomachs of any of your fish. That new pattern might mimic those.
11/3/2017 9:08:52 AM
Samntrllr: I was cleaning the fish after 10pm in our orchard (only available outdoor water-tap) and using the lights of my ATV to illuminate the cutting board. So, didn't take the time to open the stomachs. Wishing now that I had given your question. (Will definitely do so next time.)
11/5/2017 5:02:11 PM
Thanks, will wait to hear. I found them in almost half of the fish I caught, some had several.
11/3/2017 7:01:36 AM
I LIKE it! Will have to order some up soon. Thanks for another great report. :-)
11/3/2017 2:16:36 PM
OutThere: The downriggers are Cannon Uni-Troll 10 STX (manual). I replaced the wire shipped from the factory with a braided line. Other than this, we're running them as-is. Have fished them in the Straights (out of Sekiu) on Rock, Roosevelt, Potholes, etc. And, they seem to perform well.
11/8/2017 5:35:54 PM
Nice work Donn. Don't discount the orange one. I always start my day with with both perch and orange. It doesn't take long before it's obvious what color they want. Crazy how it can be perch one day and orange the next. I do like the new paint scheme.
11/8/2017 5:39:49 PM
Hey Dave! Fishing the orange and the perch simultaneously makes good sense. (We were definitely surprised at the response to that new perch color. Need to get one your way so that you can see what you think.) --Donn
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709