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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Washington Lake Report
King County, WA



71° - 75°
Trolling W/Downriggers
Mostly Sunny
66° - 70°

I would like to start by saying I was not expecting a mid day fishing trip to be this successful, let alone catching my targeted species for the first time.

Majority of the time I am chasing monster Cutthroat on Lake Wa but I decided to do a little exploring on the Kokanee side. I usually catch them here and there far and few apart on accident when targeting cutthroat. Today that was not the case.

I started my troll just outside of the Juanita Bay in about 60 FOW and noticed a bunch of small marks. I started shallow 10ft on the wire which produced a quick drive by. After about 20 mins there wasn’t any action. It wasn’t until I dropped my line down to 25-30 and the action was almost instant. I netted my first fish which was a plump 16 incher and back in I went with the same technique and same depth.

Over the course of 2 hours I ended up losing 5, released a small chinook along with 2 adult sockeye, and finally capped off my afternoon with the last Kokanee. The lake was calm as could be, no boaters, and perfect weather. I am extremely excited to have figured the Kokanee fishing out on my home lake. If these Kokanee are this big in June, they are going to be gigantic come spawning time.

Gear: dick nite moon jelly dodger, Gods tooth spoon

Bait: tuna oil soaked corn

Scent: krill anise

Speed: 1.4-1.7 mph


6/20/2019 8:28:14 PM
Ha! Now you've gone and done it..... claiming to have a fishery figured out! Nothing but skunks coming your way! Remember when we thought we had Lake Meridian dialed? Lol... Thanks for the report!
6/21/2019 6:48:21 AM
Hahahah, I’m still bitter about Lake Meridian. Sad times. I’m hoping I can keep it up, otherwise I’m going back to cutthroat fishing.
Ben Eggertsen
6/20/2019 8:46:33 PM
Great report! Really nice pics and fish. Thanks.
6/20/2019 9:52:18 PM
Thanks D.j. for the report and giving the God's Tooth some work. Congrats on a terrific outing and getting your limit! :-)
6/21/2019 6:48:56 AM
My pleasure!!
6/23/2019 8:02:56 PM
Which Gods Tooth were you using? Color?
6/23/2019 8:05:54 PM
Do you have a "go to" setup for kokanee?
6/21/2019 6:15:14 AM
Hey Dj, those sure put the Kokes from Chelan to shame! Well done. Thanks for the report. Andy
6/21/2019 6:49:28 AM
Yes, they are HUGE!! I lost some that were even fatter than these ones. I’m excited to get back out there.
6/21/2019 5:24:04 PM
Go get'm!!!!
6/21/2019 9:25:59 PM
I feel inspired to try it out. I use to catch 3 to 5 lbs kokanee regularly in Colorado. I just laughed when I saw the baitfish they caught out here in Washington. Great fun and kudos to you for a good catch.
Fish Dawg
6/21/2019 9:35:42 PM
Thanks for the report, Amigo. Will be on the chase tomorrow morning!
Ben Eggertsen
6/22/2019 9:58:30 AM
Where do you launch from to fish Juanita Bay?
6/22/2019 10:24:17 PM
Great report!... This is my home lake, but believe it or not I have never fished for kokanee. I’m usually targeting small mouth.... Hope to give it a try soon.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709