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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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18 - Lake Roosevelt South End to Spokane Confluence Report



56° - 60°
Bottom Fishing From Boat
Mostly Sunny
All Day
56° - 60°

Launched out of Porky with my friend Mike. We headed up the Arm and targeted a rock point near a weedbed. First cast netted a 17 inch eye. Now that can be good or bad depending on what you believe; it was good for us. Over the next hour Mike and I caught 13 keeper eyes ranging from 17-22 inches. All were caught on a 1/2 oz. black jig with a ripple shad in perch color. 25-35 FOW was where we caught them. That bite died after an hour or so and we spent the rest of the day searching for active fish. We only caught a coupe more 16 inch keepers along with a mess of dinks. 30-35 eyes for the day and we cleaned 12. We released the 22 incher. A jigging rap also did fairly well but can wear out your arm pretty quickly.


10/19/2020 9:30:57 PM
Thanks for the report Mark. Good to see you're getting em'!
10/20/2020 6:46:28 AM
Great report Mark. ;-)
10/20/2020 11:24:43 AM
Glad to see you're still at it! I was hoping to make one last trip for the fall for walleyes but already switched to boat over for duck hunting. So thanks in advance for jumping any birds my way this season!
tight lines,
10/21/2020 6:56:57 AM
The water temp dropped about 7 degrees over the last two weeks above Porky; I'm hoping that starts to get the fall bite going. A jigging rap has really been working well for me in the deeper water but boy is it an arm workout, more so than a blade bait.

Dan, there were some waterfowl above Porky but not the major fall migration numbers yet and I have no problem spooking them off the water for you.

11/7/2020 4:51:53 PM
Mark, would you mind if I call and talk to you about fishing Porcupine? I've done well during the summer months, but struggled today and most other fall fishing days. You seem to jig a lot like I do, so I had a few questions for you.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709