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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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18 - Lake Roosevelt South End to Spokane Confluence Report


31° - 35°
Trolling With Fly
All Day
41° - 45°

Well all indications are that I am back at it again, zigging when I should be zagging. On the water at Lincoln around 8:30 and went right down to Keller hunting Kokanee. Did one pass from below the ferry down to the South Wall and only had one bite that was a not so big rainbow. Headed up to above Hanson Harbor and made one pass there and were blanked so we went back up to the Sterling Point area where I felt we should at least be able to get into some decent Rainbow action but that didn't pan out either. Marked very few fish the whole trip and wound up with 3 fish to the boat and one of those was a real goof ball fish. It had a fin, but I doubt that it was actually wild and it had a very recessed , almost none existent lower jaw. I wish we would have take a picture but since it had a fin (of sorts) we were trying to get it back in the water without handling it much. In it's favor it did fight well and that was the one my Grandson caught. So it was just one of those nice days on the water for us.
We'll be back.


12/27/2020 8:31:36 AM
Mark: Well some days are good and some days aren't. That's ok tho. At least you were out enjoying the beauty all around you while wishing for a tug on the end of your line. I will be wishing for a tug on the end of my line tomorrow too. I will be trying to catch the elusive landlocked coho at Rife. So far I've made at least 4 trips up there without a single one. I know they are there because I've seen pictures of them, but I can't seem to find them. I am one determined fisherman. Sometime I'm gonna connect with one or maybe more. I will keep at it. It's the right thing to do huh. Take care, stay safe, good luck to you next time.
12/28/2020 6:20:23 AM
So right Strikezone, sometimes we have a good day fishing other days we have a good day trying. Both good in proper perspective. Noted yesterday reservoir has been rising the past week, almost 3 1/2 feet, usually not a good sign for me.
12/28/2020 2:49:23 PM
I was kind of wondering the same thing. I saw the level was rising but it was a good day to go otherwise. Sure seems like they have a new game plan for the lake level the last couple years.
12/29/2020 9:16:42 AM

It has been an odd fall/winter. For me just the act of getting out and enjoying the wilderness that surrounds us is worth the price of admission. The bonus is catching whatever fish species you're after; and some you're not. The best part about this time of year is the lack of other boats. I guess the temperature keeps a lot of people off the water. Their loss, as there is still some excellent fishing to had.
12/29/2020 9:23:36 AM
I love to be down there when it's snowing. Just don't like the drive much on those days.
12/29/2020 9:33:59 AM
You nailed it!!! I've had great days on Roosevelt with not a fish on the line (thankfully not many). Fond of seeing scenery and wildlife, bighorn sheep in particular. I've seen it all many times but never tire of seeing all again. :-)
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709