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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Washington Lake Report
King County, WA


81° - 85°
Cutthroat Trout
Over 40"
66° - 70°

Got myself a brand spanking new boat and decided to take it out on Lake Washington for the maiden voyage.

1st thing I had to break in the main motor, so spent two hours running around the lake on the north end, speeding up and slowing down. So if you saw a lunatic in a new red Duckworth who was apparently racing around then slowing down, then speeding up, that was me! I wasn't drunk, I swear! :)

After that initial two hours, got down to some fishing off of Kirkland. Unfortunately this was right about 10:30 am, and it was starting to get crazy on the lake with boat traffic. I trolled one line with a Sepps dodger in chartreuse with a chartreuse dick nite behind it on one side, and a Sling blade with a pink mini hoochie on the other. Trolling at 40' down in 90' to 120' of water. Marked some fish, but no bites over the next two hours.

I didn't figure on catching anything at that time really, too hot, too much boat traffic and the wind kicked up making maintaining a good trolling speed pretty difficult.

But hey! New boat!


6/16/2015 3:27:00 PM
Congrats on the new boat! Summer boat traffic on Lake Washington can be hard to take.
As you didn't mention how may people you had on the boat with you, I just wanted to throw out a friendly reminder that the two rod endorsement does not apply to Lake Washington or Lake Sammamish.
6/16/2015 3:39:00 PM
Yeah no worries G-Man - there were three fisherman in the boat. :)

I forgot to mention I did put out a flat line off the back with some a diver, hot wings and a fire tiger Rapala I have had luck with in the past.

So yeah, three of us fishing, three rods out.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709