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Washington Lake Report
King County, WA



71° - 75°
Largemouth Bass

I was on the lake at about 7pm using a 16$ wallmart pole with 12lb mono line it came with. Swivel attached directly do a dark green 3$ wallmart jig. I was at the platform at the start of logboom dock. I was there probably 45 min before i caught a 7lb largemouth and packed up to go home. Day before i launched my inflatable 40$ seahawk 2 i got at walmart same pole and line with a cowbell and a spinner and caught a 2lb i launched at logboom and went to the north around the marina took about 10 mins then i packed up and went home. As you can tell i don't keep going after i catch because i like a fresh meal. Just started fishing here and will continue. Tried a few other lures with no luck. Jig seems to work well here though. I tend to go a few times a week from 6pm till sunset. If you see a old red 2004 chevy cavalier there I'm out there feel free to come ask questions. I am usually wearing a green outback style hat.


6/24/2017 6:39:59 PM
That is a great fish. Hopefully some day you'll realize it's best for the Largemouth specie to release the great fish back in the water alive, so they can perpetuate the specie with offspring with the genes to grow that big. There are very few Largemouth in Lake Washington these days.
6/24/2017 6:42:20 PM
Also for the record, a 2 pound Largie is within the slot limit, and it is illegal to keep. Largies between 12" and 17" can NOT be kept.
6/24/2017 7:03:49 PM
According to my sport fishing rules book "no min size. Only largemouth bass less than 12" may be retained, except 1 over 17" may be retained. Daily limit 5." to my understanding of those rules i can keep one of any size bass per day if i choose. Now about the other part helping grow the species that is not really anything i know anything about. I am low income and fish to put food on the table for my family. Each person is to eat no more than 2 meals of bass from lake washington per month according to my research but do you have any links about the info you provided so i can learn about this?
6/24/2017 7:21:54 PM
Nope, not one of any size, absolutely NONE from 12" to 17" Largemouth can be kept, none at all. Only under 12" and only ONE over 17" for a max of 5. The knowledge of the numbers of Largemouth in Lake Washington come from YEARS of fishing the lake, being a member of a Bass club, and reading and hearing the reports of the lake, before and after the lake was cleaned up in the 1970s. I don't know where those reports are these days, but if you search, or ask the Bass clubs, you or they might be able to find the reports/info.

6/24/2017 7:33:18 PM
thank you for clarifying that. i understand now. but that said he was over 17" and the small one was under 12 so both are legal. by the book. i do not understand why you say "a 2 pound Largie is within the slot limit, and it is illegal to keep" why is it illegal if under 12" are there weight restrictions i don't know about. all i saw was size restrictions. thank you for your help i really appreciate it.
6/24/2017 7:34:28 PM
Oh ya, I forgot to comment: If you decide to keep a Bass, make it a Smallie as there are LOTS more of them, that is why there is a 10 fish limit instead of a 5 fish limit. Save the Largies for the fun of fishing, and for them to repopulate.
6/24/2017 7:37:34 PM
also do you ever fish up by kenmoore and willing to help teach me more about it? I do want to learn and am not trying to break any rules. I would love some help learning.
6/24/2017 7:39:18 PM
Because a normal 2 pound Largemouth is about 15" in length, so therefore it's within the slot limit. That smaller fish looks to be about 14" to 15" in length, but of course it can be hard to tell from a picture. If you don't have a digital scale, maybe you can get one, it would be handy to have one to check the fish's weight, guessing or estimating can be difficult. :-)
6/24/2017 7:49:40 PM
my current scale is analog so light weight is hard to tell i have ordered a digital and am awaiting its arrival. it may not have been 2lbs it could have been more or less soon i will have better tools. I have sold shoes for a while and know a mens 9 is about 12" shoe foot size is 10 5/16" he was smaller than my shoe but bigger than my foot lol new scale has tape built in no more guessing soon but yeah. Doing the best with what i have and trying to get better stuff. like i said would love some coaching if your up for it
6/25/2017 7:18:53 AM
The rules specify legality by length, not weight. Please do not confuse the issue with misleading terminology like "normal 2 pound largemouth". lsimmons needs a good ruler, not a digital weight scale to determine if a fish is legal to keep.
6/24/2017 7:45:01 PM
I've only fished the North East corner of the lake once, back in 1988. Otherwise I've never fished north of the Naval Base Sand Point, or north of the big bay on the east side, WJaneta Bay I think. ( I don't spell Spanish very well. lol )
6/25/2017 3:00:56 PM

it is NOT!!! misleading info, it is FACT on the 'normal' length of a 2 pound largemouth. and HE mentioned the weight, not me, I mentioned that it would be in the slot limit according to EVERY chart I've ever seen for length vs weight. if YOU look in ANY weight vs length chart for largemouth then you'll SEE the relation.
6/25/2017 4:07:19 PM
Im 90% sure the 2lb is a smallmouth by markings on the side but you guys tell me im no expert at all. That may change your referance point if looking at a chart.
6/25/2017 4:08:17 PM
Sorry for any confusion i have caused through this like i said im learning and getting better equipment
6/26/2017 4:12:59 PM
AMX, Your comment "Also for the record, a 2 pound Largie is within the slot limit, and it is illegal to keep." is false and misleading. Weight has nothing to do with a slot limit and game wardens do not carry weight scales. If a 2 pound largemouth is less than 12" you can keep it. If a 2 pound largemouth is over 17" you can keep one that size. And you don't need to weigh it or buy a digital scale. Why do you need to make such a simple regulation hard to understand?

6/25/2017 5:46:09 PM
No confusion. And that small fish IS a Largemouth.
6/25/2017 5:54:08 PM
And a NORMAL 2 lb Largie is from 15" to 16". A 2 .5 is about 16" to almost 17". That all depends on how FAT the fish is in relation to it's length. A 2 3/4 pound Largie can be 17" plus, and a 2.84 can be close to 18", depending on the food supply in any given lake/river, and so depending on how fat it is. But those bigger Largies aren't the NORMAL sized fish in most any fishery. It's a well known FACT that the bigger the fish get, the fewer there are, when compared to the smaller/shorter/less weight Bass in most all fisheries. And I've never heard of a Bass at an even 2 pounds being under 12", let alone a heavier Bass, can there be some? I have no idea, but I don't think so. LOTS of 12" Bass have trouble making a full/even pound.
6/25/2017 6:00:17 PM
It can be hard to guess/estimate the length of that fish as we don't know how tall you are. But going by your glasses at about 6" wide, which is about what mine measure at, that fish looks to be about 13" to 14" long max. which would put the weight at about 1 1/2 to 1 3/4 pounds as it isn't a fat fish. As I said before that would only be a guess of course. The ONLY way to KNOW it is to weight it, and measure the length. :-)
6/25/2017 7:17:41 PM
How do you tell its a large mouth? The book says look for markings on the sides. Thanks for all the help and resources i appriciate it
6/25/2017 6:07:47 PM
Ok, in this chart a 14" Bass weights about 1.71 pounds. This is just one chart, others can be slightly, or lots, different. It's the first chart that I saw when doing a search just now.

6/26/2017 11:28:43 AM
Largemouth has splotches along the lateral line. Smallmouth as tiger striping and is bronze in color. To open the below pages, copy the line and paste into a separate browser.

Largemouth Bass pictures;


Smallmouth Bass pictures;

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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709